Monday, October 17, 2022

The Normalization of Racism - Updated

I spent some time literally weeping for my country today. I know we're all worried about a lot of things. But what triggered my tears today was this clip from a meeting of the Board of Regents for the University of Minnesota. 

Of course, it goes without saying that Sviggum was talking about white students who chose not to attend the University of Minnesota at Morris because they would be uncomfortable with diversity. The correct response to them would be to ask what it is about diversity that would make them uncomfortable - because the only possible response would be racism. 

There are a couple of other facts that are important to include in order to get the context of all of this. First of all, prior to serving on the Board of Regents, Sviggum was a Republican member of the MN House - even serving as its speaker and minority leader. He is now an executive assistant to and communications director for the Republican caucus in the Minnesota Senate.

But even more important would be some background about the U of M at Morris. The student body is 3% African American, 4% Hispanic, and 2% Asian. It is hard to imagine that - even for racists - those numbers would be significant. But that summary leaves out an important figure: 28% of students are Native American. 

The U of M at Morris, located about 150 miles northwest of the Twin Cities, makes its home on lands first inhabited by the Anishinaabe and Dakota/Lakota people. The first campus buildings housed an American Indian boarding school, administered by the Sisters of Mercy order of the Catholic Church and later by the United States Government. 

In 1909, when the federal government closed the school and transferred the campus to the State of Minnesota, it was with the stipulation that American Indian students “shall at all times be admitted to such school free of charge for tuition.” Today Morris continues to admit American Indian students qualified for admission free of charge for tuition, as mandated in federal law and state statute. Morris also offers extensive Native American cultural and academic programing.

That is the history of the campus that attracts Native students. In the photo above you'll see some of the students Sviggum and his white friends are referring to when they suggest that the school is "too diverse" for their children to feel comfortable.

As a member of the Board of Regents, I'm sure that Sviggum is very well aware of that history. He just doesn't seem to give a damn. Instead, he gave voice to racism in a public setting. As examples from Senator Tommy Tuberville and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene demonstrate, that is happening quite frequently these day. In other words, the dog whistles of the past are giving way to overt racism. After making these remarks, Sviggum admitted that, "at 71 or 72 years old I say things that I would never even thought when I was 52.”

I am reminded of something Biden said during the 2020 campaign.

Over the last few years, Republican leaders have been fanning the flames of racism and hate - giving it the oxygen it needs to come out of hiding.  

There are those who suggest that bringing it out into the open is a good thing. But in chronicling Chief Justice Robert's long crusade against voting rights, Ian Millhiser notes why his efforts efforts failed in the past.

As Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS) told Reagan in October of 1981, conservative lawmakers feared that “anyone who seeks to change” an expansive voting rights renewal that had already passed the House “will risk being branded as racist.” Ultimately, Reagan signed the bill, extending preclearance for another quarter century...

As Edward Blum, a wealthy anti-civil rights activist who would go on to be the driving force behind the Supreme Court case that gutted preclearance in 2013, complained in a 2006 National Review article, “Republicans don’t want to be branded as hostile to minorities, especially just months from an election.”

The reason why the Voting Rights Act was continually renewed with such large majorities is that even Republicans who opposed it feared being branded as "hostile to minorities." But by essentially normalizing racism, that concern has been vanquished. 

The Supreme Court is now poised to overturn almost all of the gains made as a result of the Civil Rights Movement. In addition to the rising number of hate crimes, that's what happens when Republican leaders give oxygen to hate and racism climbs out from under the rock.

UPDATE (10/20/22): Sviggum issued a non- apology apology.

I do apologize to the students who took it wrongly as if it was an attack on them. It was not.

The students who said he gave voice to racism were wrong, and he's sorry about that. But then he took it a step further.

“If the far left doesn’t ruin [this country], identity politics will. The woke community, the liberal community, if I may be so bold as to say, has taken [my question] and jumped on it. They say it’s racist and sexist. That’s the community that says, ‘If you don’t think like me and you’re not part of the group, you don’t belong. You’re a bad guy, and we will destroy you,'” he said.

So in the midst of an "apology," Sviggum suggested that those who objected to his remarks are going to "ruin this country." He goes on to say that any attempt to point out racism is just another example of cancel culture. That's so extreme that it's like suggesting that a parent who holds their child accountable for bad behavior is saying, "you don't belong, you're a bad guy, and I will destroy you." Yes, I just compared Sviggum to a child. But when it comes to what is/is not racism, the best I can say about him is that he's totally ignorant. 

I'm not pointing this out because Sviggum's behavior is unique. This is the kind of thing we've been hearing for a very long time now. It is the mindset that maintains the status quo of white patriarchy. As I said previously, however, the volume of these attacks has simply been ramped up over the last few years. 


  1. Good to have you back. As usual, like a two-edged sword cutting straight to the heart of the matter. Thank-you.

  2. Yes, he's aware of the history and that is the whole point of the performance.

  3. I can find a tiny particle of respect for racists who are willing to stand their ground, to be forthright about how "yeah I believe Native Americans [they'd probably use another term] are a problem and I don't want them in college, what are you going to do about it?" But these weak cowardly racists who either know they're in the wrong or are unwilling to put up with the consequences of beliefs they hold to be correct ... to quote John Wilkes Booth's final words, "Useless. Useless."

  4. Welcome back. I'm sure you've been having a not great time, and I hope things go better. Obviously we all hope that will mean more frequent posts, both for our own sake and to keep the blog alive. There can't be traffic (or comments) if people give up checking for new posts, an obvious danger, and I'm sure Nancy understands that.

    As always, this was to the point. I appreciate in particular its support for Biden's statement that bringing hatred out into the open only fans the flames of hate. With due regard for KingB and the many others, myself included, who hate to think that double-talk can hide the hatred, we've seen how much damage Trump's overt racism (and disdain for women) has done in these last 7 years, perhaps even in a lifetime of his expounding that. It's part of a long process since at least the 1960s of building a voting bloc by fanning hatred. Maybe it's a relief from mere "signaling," but I don't think so.

    This kind of "bring it on" sentiment is only natural. But I fear it's not just overlooking the damage. It's also part and parcel of a long mistaken strategy among us on the left: losing is good, because it galvanizes our voters. Garbage. Winning galvanizes voters, because it builds the Obama word, hope. Those who didn't support Clinton or a serious expansion of ACA because losing our fundamental rights to life, limb, health, and democratic governance would bringing on the revolution, single-payer, or whatever have made things terribly, horribly worse.

    1. Sorry for the delay in publishing your comment. I have a setting that requires my approval for comments on posts that are more than five days old because those are almost always spam.

    2. My apologies for overlooking that.


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